Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Birthday Craze!!

There has been sooooo many birthdays here lately!!! So we have been busy celebrating Jacy's, Isaac's, Clint's, and David's birthdays!!

I've been getting a hard time about the they kept playing the stanky leg for me and I finally busted out with my own version with Nathan
Jacy's Birthday complete with pin the tail on the donkey!

Birthday Girl!
Roommate Lindy!

The Boot

After 4 weeks of wearing the boot, I go back to the doctor for more x-rays (expecting to get the boot off today), and yet I am told 2 more weeks!!! Will it ever end!?!?! Due to my disappointment, I went on a Hobby Lobby shopping spree to deck the boot out, and here is my new and approved boot!!!