Mom made a comment to me the other day about how I haven't posted on my blog in a while. My camera broke, so I haven't been able to document anything to post and since I have moved home for the holidays, everything I have done mom has posted on hers! So this will be the holidays through a college kid's eyes.
Lets see over the past couple weeks I've turned 21, watched plenty of Aggie Basketball both in Houston and in College Station, been to Jacy's a couple times in Deer Park...which by the way, she is neighbors with Andy Petite and his gym is bigger than our house, rang in the New Year with awesome friends in College Station, celebrated Jadwiga's birthday, and I am sure I could go on and on.
I have also learned valuable lessons being out of school.
Lesson #1...Even though you are living at home, make sure you still have spending cash!! Man, if it weren't for my money sometimes I think I would starve!!! Mom is certainly dieting at our house!! Poor Lindsey and Dad for having to be there all through the year, for me it's only a month!! Yes I like healthy foods as well, but we don't have the exact same tastes in food. For example, I cannot for the life of me get myself to like Rasin Blan...uh I mean Rasin Bran! But mom I will say you look great, but those few chips and salsa for lunch doesn't quite feel this 5 foot 10 inch girl for lunch!!
Lesson #2...Boys really our stubborn when it comes to directions! I was so excited to get my GPS system for my birthday and was estatic to use it the next day on the way to Jacy's house!! But my male passenger decided that we didn't need to use it and we could navigate just fine...WRONG!! Instead our 1 hour trip took close to 3 hours and cost us an additional 3 dollars to get on the wrong toll road and then have to pay to get off of it! Oh man I was exhausted from all that driving by the time we finally got to the Toyota Center. But I will say that I did end up talking him into using the navigation maybe he wasn't too stubborn!
Lesson #3...A trip to Canton. I told mom the next time she went to Canton, that I really wanted to go. Man did I learn that there are some dedicated shoppers out being mom! How do you know that you're a dedicated Canton shopper?
1. You know what stores do and don't have bathrooms on the way to Canton
2. Before arriving to pay to park you have your 5 dollars ready because you know the price of parking.
3. You pull out of the trunk your own cart.
4. Before leaving the car you look like you are preparing for battle. Mom loaded her pockets, cash, credit card, camera...((I'm probably leaving something out the way she was loaded down!!))
5. You have a mapped out route to follow. ((We got there and I was starving!! I was hoping for a chic-fil-a breakfast on the way, but not one in site. So I first asked for the food when we got there, but she had it down pat the way we were to go and when we'd come by the food))
6. You know when to stop for a bathroom break because you already know that they are the nicest bathrooms there.
7. You speak in Canton lingo. ((I got a text from me at the top of the hill...hello??? where's the hill and what on earth are you talking about???))
8. You know where not to get the pork-ka-bob because from previous experience it was way too tough!
I'm sure there are more that I can add, but mercy! she can shop at that place!!!
Dad should be back from lunch soon, so I probably make myself look productive ((just kidding dad!!...well kinda!!))