Today on the way home to Madisonville I had Tito stop so we could take pictures in the Bluebonnets!! We all got matching shirts from Bobby's fight management..Team B3
The Austin Rodeo was amazing!! The arena was small...which means better seats and closer to the entertainment! I can't wait to go back to the rodeo next year!!
I had a MAGICAL moment!! Like I said the arena was very small...so small that Clay Walker was easily pointing out people in the crowd around us. At one point in time he was looking up our direction, so I soley stood up and put both my hands up to him...and he did the same back! There is no way he could have missed me...I was pretty excited!!
Of course he brought the towel back!!
We were soooo close!!
Saturday I spent the afternoon relaxing at Lake Limestone. The water was still cold, so I didn't touch it, but going out in the boat and just spending time in the beautiful weather was a great way to end the break!!
I didn't get near enough pictures from hanging out with the guys...and at this point it was getting late, so not the best picture. But I am sure I will be back soon and will probably annoy them by taking more ;-)
Jadwiga came into Madisonville for the rodeo!! Man I feel like I have covered the state going to rodeos here lately!! But we came out to support Kole and David's team roping!
The Grand Entrance!!!Oh man with that towel and my favorite song...Cold-Hearted!! ((I have to be careful what I write...my dad reads this!!))
Our whole Crew!
We ran into Karl Richter!
This is the ride I got talked into doing last year...and because I didnt have my camera with me then, I had to document it. It's hard to see but that little ball being sling shotted into the air...yeah thats the ride. I don't know if you could ever talk me into doing it again!!
You have to do at least one ride at the rodeo...its a must!! And this was our ride of the year...I thought Tito was gonna get sick on me!!
Peace out Clay Walker!! See you in a couple weeks!! Yes I'm gonna see him at the Austin Rodeo during my spring break and then he will be in College Station April 20!! AAAAHHHHH!!!!