Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Birthday Craze!!

The Boot
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Oh the Things We Do in College!

And then they played the Aggie Fight Song before Casey Donahew!! Jadwiga, Me, and Jake's cousin, Travis, busted out with the swaying! I left the Longhorn and the "Texas A&M Red Raider" out

You may remember my post from April when I met Clay Walker after Trae Viser jumped in the water for me. Well people at the concert were at it again...including Jake, who took me in with him. This water was waaaaay worst than it was at Clay Walker...I wouldn't even stick my feet in it! Swimming in lakes and ponds is one thing, but this...YUCKY!!

And by the end of the concert...we were a sight to see!! Mud, yuck water, and all! Hey you only live once! and I can say I did it!!

Summer Recap
4th of July weekend a group of us made the roadtrip to Possum Kingdom in Graham, TX to celebrate Kelsi's birthday and the 4th of July.
With the birthday girl!All day on the fourth we laid out on the lake. We took the boat out to meet up with Kelsi's family friends' 80 foot houseboat! It was insane!!
This summer my aunt married to Jason. I have been able to hang out with them a few times at the river and then again at his daughter Jayci's birthday party
Mom and I spend quality time together at the Elvis impersonation in downtown Conroe.
In Austin, I caught up wtih my uncles, Brian and Mark, to watch Mark's band Fan to Flame perform live! He has an inspirational rock band that has been picking up several shows! He will be coming to itunes soon...I will be sure to keep you updated!
Of course swimming is required every summer!! And I spent many of hours laying out by the pool, but my favorite is always swimming with the cousins!!!
It seems like everyone was moving, but me!! I decided to stay in the same apt to avoid the packing and moving, but in college it's almost inevitable not to move someone each summer!! You can tell how productive we were in helping Jacob and Garrett move!

Although it didn't happen near enough...hanging out with the girls were squeezed in whenever possible!!

It's been an awesome summer! I hate that it has already come and gone...but the good thing about college is you can still fit in the naps, the laying out, and the roadtrips! Makes me not want college to ever end!! ...I'm sure Dad's opinion is different! No worries, Dad, I plan on being out this time next year!! YIKES!!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009
What a Weekend!
Earlier this week we ran to Huntsville and played some water volleyball with Kole, David, Isaac, Steven, and Tanner!
Steven, Isaac, David, and Tanner
Jadwiga..always game for a roadtrip
Our next trip was to Austin, Texas for Alex's Birthday!!
Jadwiga and I were so worn out from Huntsville and finals earlier that week, that were the party poopers of the weekend...we were in Austin by 10 and then tucked into bed well before 1 (which in college time, on a Friday...is early!)
Saturday morning we woke up and got dressed to float the river, but after a couple of hours of watching it downpour...we decided to nap instead. By the end of the day, everything was drench and a cold front had moved in, but I was bound and determined to put my swimsuit to use!
So I just dove into the FREEZING cold apt pool
The official Birthday dinner at Third Base!!
As in Aggie, you are required to Whoop in Austin...and notice I get to Whoop up now!!! I'm a SENIOR!!!
I've passed the capital lit up at night everytime I'm in Austin and I've always wanted to go there and take pictures of it...it was Beautiful!!
Dancing at the capital!