Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Aggies BTHO Tech

Friday afternoon I get a phone call from Nathan asking if I wanted a couple basketball tickets for the Tech Lubbock. Why not roadtrip to middle of nowhere Texas for the weekend?? So Jadwiga and I hop in the car early...and I mean early Saturday morning to make the EIGHT hour drive to Texas Tech. With very little sleep we arrive to Lubbock. After a nap, lunch, and a mini shopping trip we went to watch what was to be an intense game with an amazing comeback!

Headed for Tech!

It wasn't long and I was out!!

Jadwiga was a trooper and drove most of the way

We had front row seats which were amazing!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Nothing Like Sawing 'em Off!!!

Last night the Aggies stepped into Reed Areana ready to take on our big rivals t.u. Though longhorns took an early lead, they couldn't keep us down for long. We led by a longshot...up to 19 points at a time. The Ags were hungry for a win and th 12th man wouldn't let them backdown.

Several groups had shirts painted and even their bodies, bit we strategically planned out exactly where we would sit, so we could be easily seen and not blend into the crowd...and all I can say is mission accomplished. There were several BTHO t.u. shirts, but no Saw'em Off! Of course we had to show support for Nathan! So it took little longer with double the paint, but Go Walkup on our backs was definitely worth it...especially all of the great plays he made as well being 100% on his shots including sinking a 3 pointer!! WHOOOOP

Of course we had to get pics with Nathan!!


Sunday, February 15, 2009

It's a Whirlwind!!

It seems like on Saturdays it's always nice to stay in your comfy pj's for as long as possible. There's nothing like relaxing all day in those fuzzy slippers and big t-shirts. Well for this particular Saturday, staying in my pajamas wasn't so relaxing. We went out to support our friend Jordan and the Texas A&M Triathalon team in the first annual 5k/10k Run. Keep in mind, that I have never ran more than a mile at a time, and still I am not in that great of shape for I HATE running!!! I would rather spend time on the eliptical or this leg swinger thing or even the bike. So first off I woke up and had to be persuaded to get out of bed and then once getting there our plan was to start the run and then head straight for the car. But we thought we are out here, we might as well finish it. You could run the route once as a 5k or twice as a 10k...of course we ran but mostly walked the 5k. Jacy and I came in dead last and was even lapped by the 10k runners. We finished in 43 minutes while 10k runners finished in 37 minutes. We did finish with pride and came out to support a good cause!

We thought we'd take a snapshot of the view from behind we proudly brought up the rear.

Proudly crossing the finish line

Jordan in his pj's...he owes us big time for our efforts waaaaay early in the morning!No time for naps! Next on the agenda was the Phi Beta Lambda BBQ

Still not slowing down! We headed to the basketball game against Oklahoma State University

But it sure was hard to stay awake for long! Boy were we exhausted!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

As We Go On We Remember All the Times We Had Together...

As graduation inched closer and closer, I never thought that I would miss high school. I don't think I would want to relive it all, but somethings I just wasn't ready to let go of. The people I grew up with will always have a special place in my heart. They are the girls that you still call when you have a bad day or the ones you call when you are in Austin and have no clue where to go or that introduce you to Italian food in Huntsville (yes there is really an Italian restaurant there and its good!!) or the ones that you know will be standing right next to you when you say "I do" and then later rushing to the hospital to be there for the arrival of your first child (named Presley...right Alex???) I am blessed to have some of the greatest girlfriends and still stay in touch. Before school started we were able to get together for lunch at Red Lobster and now planning a weekend getaway!!! I can't wait! I love you girls and can't wait for the years to come!!

Alexandra Isabelle Zografos...she goes to the other school, but we try not to hold that against her!

You never know with Anna...the hair is always unexpected!

No trip to Red Lobster would be the same without Brandon Pope as our waiter

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Droppin It Like Its Hot

I am for sure back in the swing of things!! School, work, and organizations have been keeping me busy, but that is just the way I like it!!! In the midst of all this craziness I have managed to make it to the gym quite often...which makes me feel so good!!! There's a sign outside of Gold's Gym that says, half the battle is getting yourself to go the gym, and boy is that ever true! Once you are there and surrounded by several others on a mission to get in shape, you can't help but join right in. And it's so motivating when you finally start to feel like you are in better shape...then you can't get enough of it!! This Saturday is the first annual pajama run put on by the Texas A&M triathlon. I am kinda nervous about it, but we will see how it goes!!!

Posts are always more fun with pics!! It has been a while since our last 45 picture with Nathan, so we decided to do one again! But I goofed on the first of these days we will get it on the first try!

Jacy K and Priscilla! We were headed to a black and white birthday party for a couple of the football players. One of them I have posted about before, Justin McQueen

Kelsi and Jadwiga

Monday, February 2, 2009

Dropping In

The latest faze going around facebook is posting a note that entails 25 random things about you! So because nothing exciting much has been going on around here ((well except going to the hospital with food poisoning last week)) I just thought I'd share my 25 Randoms with the bloggers!! Feel free to post 25 random things about you!!
1. I love Elvis Presley. I love the beat of his music and the rich tones of his voice.
2. I prefer driving without shoes...unless its freezing outside then I'd rather keep my shoes and socks on.
3. I was once told that I'm hesistant to venture out yet I yearn for the adventure. I've never forgotten that and try to prove it wrong, but sometimes it sure is hard!!
4. I think my absolute favorite channel to watch is the Disney can't go wrong with some of those shows
5. I was peed on by a goat on the streets of Guatemala...bad experience!
6. I have no clue what I want to do in life. I don't know what kind of job I want. I'm not even sure if I am in the right major...which isn't good considering I don't have much longer left until I am suppose to graduate.
7. I have a heart for missions. I don't know yet just what I am suppose to do with this passion, but I do know that God will guide me to it and use me in a way that will glorify him.
8. I would love to live in New York City...but not for long. I think that I would get tired of the crazy atmosphere...but just for a little while to get out of my system before I settle down.
9. I still sleep with a stuffed animal. His name is Brown Bear (original, I know) but my mom got him for my baby shower before I was born.
10. I'm overly excited to see Clay Walker at the rodeo. 2 years ago I flipped out just because I touched his hand....kinda sad, I know!
11. Sometimes I only like things because no one else has them or because it's out of the norm.
12. My favorite shoes have to be my furry zebra converse!!!!
13. I never liked Spaghetti or Mac N Cheese.
14. I would prefer a hot dog over the taste of a steak anyday
15. I absolutely love my hometown, but glad to only come back and visit now. My hometown friends are the the A's and Caroline!!!
16. Some may think I live on a ranch, and though I admit it's the not anything close to a suburban home, it is for sure not a ranch either!!! Land and a few animals doesn't justiy a ranch.
17. I love piercings...but in moderation. I'm not decked out in holes, but I for sure love the adrenaline rush that comes with it
18. I quite frequently forget to speak before I talk. It happens more than I would like, but at least some can get a laugh out of it. I'm just glad God gave me a sense of humor so that I can laugh along with it.
19. I fell on the track 2 years in a row...just by running, so I'm probably not the most graceful person there fact I could probably write a book on my falls and awkward moments with my fencing, the chandelier, the list goes on
20. If I had to choose one thing that I missed from High School more than anything would be FFA. Nerdy...but I loved the competing, the speaking, the practicing, the friends from all across the state...I just miss it all!!
21. I hate to clean!! If I could pay someone to do it, I would in a heartbeat. The only time I don't mind cleaning, is if I'm talking on the phone which doesn't happen too often.
22. I hate snakes!! The thought of them terrifies me. If I see one I have no idea how I will react..I just hope that never happens.
23. I'm in the process of getting my handgun license!! I'm so excited! I am pro-guns, pro-CHL, pro-handguns on campus, pro-Castle Doctrine. But I believe to only be in use when you or your family is in grave danger where your health is threatened, not simply to protect a big screen tv or vehicle.
24. I miss W as president already. I was sad to see him go, but I am rest assured that God has a plan for this country and Obama fits right into His powerful will.
25. I play Bunco once a month with my mom and some ladies from my hometown church. It is always a unique experience with those ladies, but I greatly enjoy that time to go back and spend with my mom.

Which going back to the sick thing...I do want to say that I have to have the greatest parents in the world!! Last Monday at midnight I woke up pretty sick and just had the feeling that this wasn't just a get over it go back to sleep type of deal, but something that I was gonna have to put up with all night. By 12:30 I had called my mom and dad feeling miserable and by 1:30 I was headed to the ER and so was Dad. He drove all the way to College Station late that night to sit with me the whole time I was there. He brought me home to Madisonville around 5:30 where Mom took her shift in helping me walk and getting to bed. As I slept after being up all night, Mom and Dad got up to conquer the day as usual with very little sleep. After 21 years, they are still there for me driving me home sick and holding my hair back, I don't know how I would handle somethings without them! Love ya'll!!