Sunday, April 26, 2009

More DuckJam 2009

Here are more pictures from Alex's camera during DuckJam!!!

We were all getting rather ancy waiting around for Clay Walker, so it led to this during the Kevin Fowler concert...and this is a good thing that I got my practice in before showtime with Clay!!

I wish this picture showed this cute old man's whole outfit...which was cutoff blue jeans and boots!! I got to talking to him and got more duck recipe ideas for dad!!

Madisonville Clay Walker Fans!!

During the Kevin Fowler Concert with WiWi and Alex

Kevin Fowler Performing

Bad Company Performing I forgot to tell you dad told me the story about one of their songs!!!
I was in such a rush to get to Wolf Pen Creek I forgot to eat lunch and boy did the hunger hit me HARD!! I didn't care what I looked like...I just need something to get rid of my headache!! But of course Alex caught me on camera!!

The Big Dadddy Truck

The signiature Gig'em/Hook'em Picture!!
Just call us "Walker Stalkers"

The Night I Met...CLAAAAY WALKER!!!!

Get ready for a looooong post!!!
Yesterday was the Annual Duckjam held in College Station benefiting the Texas A&M Ducks Unlimited Chapter. I have never been before, but when I saw who the headliner was...CLAY WALKER, I HAD to get tickets for this!! The concert was held at Wolf Pen Creek last night, and some friends of ours had lawn chairs sitting front they were nice enough to let us sit in front of them on the ledge of the nothing stood in between me and Clay Walker!! Talking about freaking out!! Little did I know what was yet to come!!Let me set the scene here for my story. For those of you who have never been to Wolf Pen, here is the amphitheater where he performed. There is about 3 feet of nasty water surrounding the stage, but I didn't mind sticking my feet in as we sat there and listened to the concert...oh it was soooo nice!! Front row, dead center, he noticed me for sure!! He sang to me soooo many times. He started throwing out guitar picks
and this Clay Walker guitar pick landed in my shirt!! ahhh I was not sure where it went til I looked down and there it was stuck!!

By my previous posts, ya'll know my favorite part is the!!! He was working that towel right in front of me!!!! Trae Viser saw Clay about to throw the towel so he jumps into that nasty water and...

comes out with the towel!!! Can you believe it??? I got THE Clay Walker towel!!So since Trae was already wet he took me to the edge of the stage on his shoulders...where Clay sang to me and held my hand!!!!! He kept noticing us so he personally made sure that we had these...BACKSTAGE PASSES!!!!!!

He had one of his managers come look for us with a flashlight in that nasty moat water to make sure that we got backstage!!!
So we went backstage and he immediately started talking to me about how he saw my feet in the water before anyone else even jumped in and was telling the photographers to make sure and get pictures of me!!! After a conversation about east Texas and the Peveto's, singing with his band, and a few hugs I left as the happiest girl the world!!! I mean when I was little I was nicknamed at school as "clay walker girl" and would blow the candles out on my birthday cake wishing I could meet Clay Walker and it finally came true!! It is always nice to be fans of not only great musicians, but ones that are genuine, and let me tell you Clay Walker is true blue!!! I could go on and on, but instead I'll just let you look at more pictures!!

Can you tell we had been out there for a loooong day?? Once I get better pictures from Alex's camera I will post those up!

I am sure plenty thought I was crazy...but as Clay Walker says in his song Live, Laugh, and Love "Carpe Diem" Seize the day!!!! I would regret not going out in that water!! What a night!!!

When we went backstage cameras and cell phones were not allowed, but one of his managers was filming us back there, so look for it on!! I'll keep you posted whenever they get it up!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Chili, Pat, and Prom

9 o'clock and ready for bed?? This is not a common occurence for me...this weekend has just exhausted me!! We were going nonstop this weekend!!! I've wanted for a while to try out Chilifest but have never gone. So this year Tito got us free tickets to go see what Chilifest was about. Needless to say I was not impressed to say the least and thankfully the crew I was with wasn't either so we left rather early. It was just a mess but I can say that I have gone to see what it's like!!

Pat Green...the only concert we stayed for

There were chili team shirts everywhere!! Some funny...some random...and some crazy, but I saw this shirt and had to take a picture with it to bring back and show Nathan and Travis since they constantly call me the just for the city boys from Houston and Austin!!

Mom has posted pics of Lindsey getting ready for prom, and sadly I missed it. But they came to College Station to eat dinner, so I got to come meet them and see how great they looked!!!

It was soooo windy but I was glad to get some pictures in!!! She looked beautiful!!!