9 o'clock and ready for bed?? This is not a common occurence for me...this weekend has just exhausted me!! We were going nonstop this weekend!!! I've wanted for a while to try out Chilifest but have never gone. So this year Tito got us free tickets to go see what Chilifest was about. Needless to say I was not impressed to say the least and thankfully the crew I was with wasn't either so we left rather early. It was just a mess but I can say that I have gone to see what it's like!!

Pat Green...the only concert we stayed for
There were chili team shirts everywhere!! Some funny...some random...and some crazy, but I saw this shirt and had to take a picture with it to bring back and show Nathan and Travis since they constantly call me the rancher...so just for the city boys from Houston and Austin!!
Mom has posted pics of Lindsey getting ready for prom, and sadly I missed it. But they came to College Station to eat dinner, so I got to come meet them and see how great they looked!!!
It was soooo windy but I was glad to get some pictures in!!! She looked beautiful!!!
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