I've always been a venter...you know when you just need to get something off of your chest but could do without the long drawn out advice! Don't get me wrong, I do know that I don't have it all together or know it all, but there are just those moments when you just want to tell your problems and turn and walk away. So how perfect is blogging for that??? Sorry this may not be the most peppy blog!!

Let's start out with if you notice the time that I am blogging...yes that is right it is 2 o'clock in the am and guess who is wide awake...again!!! I got home by 10 o'clock and thought great I will be able to get to sleep at a decent hour and plus friday's i get to sleep in, so perfect! But since 10 I have done laundry, cleaned the bathroom from top to bottom with 3 different kinds of cleaners, cleaned my room, put together the new vacum cleaner, did my floors, met up with some friends to give them their football tickets, watched tv, and now blogging...what is left??? But this is not the first night...all week I have not been able to sleep at night! Yesterday I fought the naps, and was in bed by 9:30. Last night I doubled my sleeping time by getting 8 hours and today I have been wide awake...no naps, no sleepiness, no nothing!

It's amazing what women go through to look good. The money poured into diets that make you have to go to the bathroom all the time to detox yourself, pills that are suppose to suppress your appetitie or boost your metabolism, gym memberships, tanning, excercise equipment, sports bars (cause you don't do laundry everyday and who likes to use a sweaty bra...not me!), and the list goes on!! But it's just painful! I have been seeing a dietician to resolve my weight gain and boy is this tough! At dinner for a friend's 21st birthday, I was surrounded by chicken strips, steak, shrimp, french fries, mashed potatoes, and the worst...ice cream on top of a big chocolate chip cookie drizzled with chocolate!!! Do you know what sat in front of me on my plate....steamed veggies, baked potatoe with cheese only, and a 3" by 3" piece of salmon grilled without seasoning or butter!!! Boy what's the point of going out now if that is what I have to look forward to? psssht!!!
As we do in Phi Lamb meetings it is always our crappies before our happies...so I will end on a good note! I am coming home tomorrow! I am soooo excited. I will be at the football game, and more than seeing old friends or remembering the high school years (all of 3 years ago) I am very excited to get to sit and hang out with my dad. Moving to college it's not the homemade cooking or mom doing the laundry or the house that you don't have to climb stairs to that you miss; it's the priceless moments. Like dad waking me up to Sgt Carter (MOVE IT MOVE IT MOVE IT), the smell of cinnamon rolls every Sunday morning, the times when you walk in the house to a pungent smell and you knew that mom was putting a perm in her hair again or the thing that I thought I wouldn't miss is just sitting on the couch on a friday night watching a movie with the family (cause in high school you had to have friday night plans!).

Annnnnd I ordered my Halloween costume today!!! I am soooo excited this year! I have so many Halloween functions and will actually get to wear my costume more than just a couple hours, so I went all out! This year we have costume Bunco, Lamboween (sorority date party and I have to find a date....eeeek!), and plenty of parties after!!!
Ashley, don't be so down. Sounds like you are experiencing the life and times of a college student! Memaw read your blog and she says she loves you! See ya this evening. Maybe you can sleep tonight.
Hey there, I just wanted to tell you that you are such a beautiful girl!!!! YOU are beautiful and have such a sweet spirit. I KNOW how weight can get us down but give it to the Lord. GEE, I need to take my own advise. just wait til you are 30 ish :) then you start sagging too :)
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