"Like dying elephants, which wander the jungle looking for a place to die after their value to the herd is over, thousands of seniors will join hands and wander aimlessly about campus visiting landmarks for the symbolic "last time." At the same time, the junior class takes a walk around campus, symbolizing their rise to the top of the leadership at Texas A&M. Festivities start at Simpson Drill Field with live elephants, a Candy 95.1 radio broadcast, the 12th Man Bus, and official event shirts sales. After the the Class of 2009 picture and class gift revelation at Kyle Field at 1:00 pm, Mike Fossum, Former Student and NASA Astronaut, will serve as this year's keynote speaker. Step off for the Walk will take place at 2:09 p.m. for the Class of 2009 at Kyle Field and at 2:10pm at the Corps Arches for the Class of 2010, whose class picture and speaker will occur in Kyle Field at the conclusion of their walk."
We were trying to keep ourselves entertained in the long line, so I did my impression of the elephant.
There were photographers there taking pictures as we went through so I will have to see if it is any better than this one!
I was hugging the elephant's trunk but because I am so tall I didn't realize that my hand was near its mom, so needless to say I cause quite the scene as I jumped and screamed when he opened his mouth!!

Laini's turn with the elephant
Class of 2010...WHOOP
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