Saturday, September 20, 2008

Game Day 2

The BFF from the Valley...Priscilla

With Bobby and Tito

The Prairie View A&M Band performed during halftime and man were they good!! They would put down their instruments and start dancing or several times dance with their was fun to watch!!

We saw several Miami fans today...but this has to be my favorite!! We chased him down because after seeing his ensemble we had to have a picture!!

So I don't have too much to say about the game today :( but I did enjoy spending time with Priscilla, Tito, and Bobby!! I had plans on volunteering in Houston today, but the church I was suppose to help with closed it down for the weekend so they could have church services. Needless to say, I didn't get to go and I had already given my football ticket away! Now I had no plans for my Saturday!! But Tito to the rescue...John Deere gave him tickets on 1st deck for his birthday and he had an extra!! Happy Birthday Tito!!

1 comment:

Sandel said...

You are such a beautiful girl, I love reading your fun posts. (it makes me feel a bit younger) You remind me a bit of my baby brother, he is in college too and quite a mess. You can see him on my page. Anywho, keep em coming.