Whew I am exhausted!! The past 2 days I have had not 1, not 2, but 3 tests!! Late nighters, early mornings, coffee, power bars, energy shots....oh my oh my it has been a week.
I think the profs must get together and plan all our tests to hit at once...it never fails!!
Usually I can handle a few lost hours of sleep, but man I must getting old because this time it really hit me hard! The twenties is just a whole other whirl wind.
Signs of my tiredness...

Early this week as I was sitting at a red light this bread truck pulled beside me. On the side of the truck was a beautiful club sandwhich, decked with bacon, turkey, cheese...oh it was a site! (can you tell I have been dieting???) I was so into this picture, thinking of how I haven't made myself a club sandwhich in a long time and no matter where you go...you cannot beat a Walker's club sandwhich!! The next thing I know I am in reverse going backwards...I immediately start flippin out!! Pressing the breaks as hard as I can...checking to make sure that I was in drive. I didn't know what was going on! As I look up and try to figure out what was happening I realized that I wasn't in reverse...the bread truck was driving forward!! Oh what a relief it was...I have already had my wreck for the month...I by no means needed another!!!
After my all nighter last night and a doctor visit, I head to school to take 2 tests. Relieved by the end of the day because I am done for the weekend with 3 tests behind me I begin to look for my keys...but they are NOWHERE to be found!! Great...how big is A&M there is no telling where I put those things!! Can we say frustrated??? I hear my mother's voice in my head...where was the last place you had them?? So I begin to think about my day and then it hits me! Early today as I sat on the bus this cute guy sits across from me!! Ooooo he was cute! I kept catching myself looking at him...awkward!! Because I didn't want him to think that I was looking at him, as soon as my bus stop came I bolted like a little school girl!! Leaving my keys behind! Low and behold I had found them on the bus!!
Well I am glad that this week is over!! But I can't slow down yet! Saturday I am volunteering in Houston to help with Hurricane Relief Stations, then babysitting from 6:30 to 11:30 that night and Sunday is powderpuff practice and volleyball intramurals!!
I will post more about those later!!
I mean slow DOWN!
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